
Russkaia Mysl’ - La Pensée Russe, 1952

Russkaia Mysl’ - La Pensée Russe, No. 441, April 16, 1952, p. 4

This newspaper has been published in Paris since 1947, since 2011 it appears as a journal. Interesting article on Russians in Morocco

RusskaiaMysl'1952 Vladimir.pdf

Kazachii soiuz (Paris, 1950-54)

Official publication of the Central Committee of the Union of Cossacks. Director - Alexandre Touroveroff. 

Novaia Rossiia (Paris, 1936-40)

Biweekly journal, edited by A.F. Kerensky.

Aleksandrovets (Paris, 1952)

Journal of the Alexander Military School Union. Edited and published by V. Jdanovitch.

Aleksandrovets 1952 No 1 .pdf